本次调研区域主要位于西仓-洒金桥区域,该区域最大的特点为自发性的摊位,店铺与密集的人流交织成人来人往的城市现象——这种现象介于有序何无序之间。除此之外,摊位的种类也纷繁多样,除了西仓标志性的花鸟鱼虫市场外,还有洒金桥街道上出现的民俗小吃,教场门附近的大规模菜场等等。 这些城市中出现的摊贩与商业构成了西仓的某种精神,在这种精神的引导下,我们通过逐日观察法的方式界定出了研究范围。
The survey area is mainly located in the Xicang-Sajinqiao area. The biggest characteristic of this area is the spontaneous stalls, shops, and dense crowds interwoven into the urban phenomenon of people coming and going – a phenomenon between orderly and disorderly. In addition, the types of stalls are also diverse. In addition to Xicang’s iconic flower, bird, fish, and insect market, there are also folk snacks appearing on the streets of Sajinqiao, and large-scale vegetable markets near the Jiaochang Gate. The presence of vendors and businesses in these cities constitutes a certain spirit of Xicang. Guided by this spirit, we have defined the scope of our research through daily observation.