由于场地所属的人群分类存在较多的老年住户,因此在满足 人群正常使用需求的同时,还应注意居住建筑的适老化问题。 本设计的目标为让统一社区中的不同年龄段成员能够在“共享 时代”下形成更多的交流,营造出开放流动的社区氛围,以组 团为单位,让不同组团之间的环境能够互相作用与影响。
该方案各个户型之间相互连通,在公共空间上做了重点设 计,例如形成完整连续的各层屋顶花园和室外小型空间,以 让不同年龄段,不同户的居民之间有所交往,有所沟通,改 善现有的人际关系与邻里关系。此外屋顶花园等景观能够有 效调整环境,美化住区。
Since there are many elderly residents in the population classification of the site, attention should be paid to the aging of residential buildings while meeting the normal use needs of the population. The goal of this design is to enable members of different age groups in the unified community to form more exchanges under the “era of sharing”, create an open and mobile community atmosphere, and let the environment between different groups interact and influence each other.
The scheme is connected with each other and focuses on the design of public space, such as forming a complete and continuous roof garden on each floor and outdoor small space, so that residents of different ages and households can communicate with each other and improve the existing interpersonal and neighborhood relationships. In addition, the roof garden and other landscapes can effectively adjust the environment and beautify the residential area.